Creates [Opening-State] on the Target.
Armor types:Armor: Cloth, Arcane Shields
Weapon types:Weapons: Pierce, Blunt
Puts a single enemy into a trance-like state, rendering them immobile and unable to act until damaged. This is the cornerstone of the Enchanter's ability to control multiple enemies in a fight.
Temporarily takes control of an enemy, turning them into an ally to fight for the Enchanter. The strength of the charm can depend on the target's resistance and the Enchanter's skill.
Restores mana to an ally or group over time, ensuring spellcasters can maintain their offensive or healing efforts.
Enchanters utilize combat techniques that create powerful synergies with other classes. Each technique becomes available at specific weapon skill levels and can trigger different effects based on the weapon type used.
Creates [Opening-State] on the Target.
Creates [Exposed] State on the Target.
Creates [Off-Balance] on Target.
Exploit [Opening Gap] on Target.
Exploits [Exposed] on Target.
Exploits [Off Balance] on Target.
Exploits [Off Balance] on Target.
You’re thinking about making their brain explode, but it hasn’t worked yet.
Applies intense pressure to an enemy’s brain, dealing Magic damage every 4 seconds for up to 48 seconds. While Cranial Pressure is active, target intellect is reduced.
Mesmerizes target for up to 12 seconds, preventing it from taking any actions. Drains a portion of the caster’s mana per second, per mesmerized target.
Infiltrates the target’s mind with chaotic energy, dealing Magic damage.
Weave a magical shield to increase your Health and Armor by a small amount.
Releases a surge of chaotic mental energy all around you, stunning up to 4 enemies in an 8-meter radius for up to 2 seconds.
Puts your target in the [Opening Gap] State for 30 seconds. (Duration impacted by diminishing returns.) The [Opening Gap] state can be manipulated by other techniques to cause additional effects.
Conjures arcane bindings to root your target in place for up to 25 seconds. Damage dealt has a chance to break the root effect.
Grants an innate shield that passively builds up to 3 stacks. When the Enchanter takes damage, Runeskin will absorb 50% of the damage and lose 1 stack.
Inflicts a delayed wound. After 10 seconds have passed, deals medium weapon damage. Deals heavy damage if the target is Disorientated or Mesmerized when the damage occurs.
Increases Intellect by 1.
Confounds the mind of an enemy, silencing them for up to 6 seconds.
Mesmerizes target for up to 24 seconds, preventing it from taking any actions. Drains a portion of the caster’s mana per second, per mesmerized target.
Releases a jolt of mental energy that deals Magic damage to the target and returns 20% of the damage dealt as Mana to your Defensive target, up to a maximum of 12.
Electrocutes the target’s brain, stunning them for up to 3 seconds. This ability generates a high amount of Threat.
Lowers your threat against an enemy.
Increases the target’s Intellect by 2 while active.
Weakens an enemy’s mental defenses, reducing all their Resistances by 25.
Increases your group’s Charisma by 2 while active.
Weave a magical shield to increase your Health and Armor by a small amount.
Innate Passive. Increases Charisma by 1.
Enchants the mind of your target with the whispers of Tysire, increasing their Mana Regeneration rate by 1 for 45 minutes.
Interrupt your target. If your target was casting a Silenceable spell, absorb that spell, allowing you to cast it for yourself within the next 5 seconds. Duration of spell storage increases with Stamina.
Exploits the [Opening Gap] state creating [Rattled], reducing their outgoing damage by 8%.
Applies intense pressure to an enemy’s brain, dealing Magic damage every 4 seconds for up to 48 seconds. While Cranial Pressure is active, target intellect is reduced.
Pacify the target’s will, reducing their assist radius by 50% for 6 seconds.
Mesmerizes target for up to 33 seconds, preventing it from taking any actions. Drains a portion of the caster’s mana per second, per mesmerized target.
Grafts an illusion of mental fatigue into an enemy’s mind, reducing their Action Speed by 25%.
Converts 30 of your own Mana into 15 Mana for a target ally.
Drains 3% of an enemy’s Mana pool every 1 second for 10 seconds.
Grafts an illusion of heightened mental ability into an ally’s mind, increasing their spell casting speed by 15%.
Focuses your arcane prowess to dispel a harmful, magical effect from your target.
Open a magical gateway, returning yourself to your bind point.
Imbues an ally’s weapon with a chaotic enchantment, causing their auto-attacks to deal additional damage of a random type determined at the time of casting. This is a dropped spell and is not on the trainer
Puts your target in the [Exposed] state for 30 seconds. The [Exposed] state can be manipulated by other techniques to cause additional effects.
Weave a magical shield to increase your Health and Armor by a moderate amount.
Release a jolt of mental energy that deals Magic damage to the target and returns 20% of the damage dealt as Mana to your Defensive target, up to a maximum of 18. If no Defensive target is selected, Mana will be returned to the caster.
Electrocute the target’s brain, stunning them for up to 5 sec. This ability generates a high amount of Threat.
Grants an ally magical invisibility, rendering them unable to be detected by sight for up to 10 minutes.
Graft an illusion of physical fatigue into an enemy’s mind, reducing their melee attack speed by 15%. Only one Illusion Graft can be active on a target at a time. Caster can only maintain one Illusion Graft of each type.
Assault your target’s synapses, causing their auto-attacks to be periodically interrupted while active.
Attempt to wipe a target’s memories, causing it to forget its aggression. The chance of success increases with higher charisma. Not effective on targets over 5 levels above you.
Enchants the mind of your target with the whispers of Marali, increasing their Mana Regeneration rate by 3 for 45 minutes.
Mesmerize target for up to 45 sec, preventing it from taking any actions. Drains a portion of the caster’s mana per second, per mesmerized target. Damage and various offensive abilities will break the effect. Chance to be resisted decreases with Charisma.
Summon a magical light for 36 min.
Infiltrate a target’s mind with chaotic energy, dealing Magic damage.
Applies intense pressure to an enemy’s brain, dealing Magic damage every 4 seconds for up to 48 seconds. Damage Modifiers: INT 10%, CON 10%, CHA 20%
Weave a magical shield to increase your Health and Armor by a moderate amount.
The Enchanter's arsenal includes various types of abilities: combat techniques for engaging enemies, utility skills for supporting allies, and passive abilities that provide constant benefits.
Once the mastery system unlocks, you'll unlock more powerful abilities, allowing you to customize yourEnchanter's capabilities to suit your playstyle.
A comprehensive guide to leveling your Enchanter from 1 to max level. Learn about ability unlocks, combat techniques, and mastery choices.
Understand how the Enchanter functions in group content, including their primary roles as Support and Utility and their synergies with other classes.
Learn about optimal equipment choices for your Enchanter, including Cloth and Arcane Shields armor and Pierce, Blunt weapons.