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Warrior class portrait


The Warrior is a master of strength, resilience, and strategy, excelling as a tank to protect allies, adapt to the battlefield, and control the flow of combat with precision.

Primary Attributes



Armor types:Armor: Cloth, Leather, Chain, Plate, Shield

Weapon types:Weapons: Edged, Blunt, Fist, Pierce, Bows


Shield Block

Raise your shield to meet a frontal attack, dramatically reducing the physical damage you receive while the shield is raised. Additionally, a percentage of the damage you would have received will be converted into Resilience.

Banner of Onslaught

Group – Increases Hit rating for group members in range of this banner. Enemies – Decreases Parry/Counterattack chance and disables the use of Disarm for enemies in range of this banner.

Will to Live

Embrace your will to live, greatly increasing your Dodge and Parry chance, granting a bonus to healing effects cast on you and locking your Resilience to full. Only usable when your Health is below a certain threshold.

Warriors utilize combat techniques that create powerful synergies with other classes. Each technique becomes available at specific weapon skill levels and can trigger different effects based on the weapon type used.

WS 5
Exposure combat technique icon


Creates [Exposed] State on the Target.

Wizard class icon
Arcane Brand
Magic DefLevel requirement:16
Wizard class icon
Heat Armor
Phys DefLevel requirement:34
Wizard class icon
Disperse Magic
Heal ReductionLevel requirement:58
Wizard class icon
Heat Weapon
Damage OutLevel requirement:70
Summoner class icon
Conjure Chains
SpeedLevel requirement:16
Summoner class icon
Mana Pins
Magic DefLevel requirement:34
Summoner class icon
Imbue Restraint
Damage OutLevel requirement:70
Enchanter class icon
Brain Drain
Magic AvoidanceLevel requirement:58
Necro class icon
Rotten to the Core
Heal ReductionLevel requirement:58

Level 1

Cross-Strike skill icon


TechniqueLevel 1

Warrior Technique. A twofold attack that deals damage, dealing 10% bonus damage from behind the target. Requires primary weapon skill of 33. Damage Modifiers: STR, CON

Forward Swing skill icon

Forward Swing

TechniqueLevel 1STR · CON

Warrior Technique. Deals damage to your target. Deals 10% bonus damage when positioned in front of the target. Damage Modifiers: STR, CON

Kick skill icon


Base SkillLevel 1STR · CON

Deals Physical damage to an enemy with increased threat and grants 2 Battle Point. Damage Modifiers: STR, CON

Mocking Blow skill icon

Mocking Blow

TechniqueLevel 1STR · CON

Warrior Technique. Deals damage to your target. Generates bonus threat. Requires primary weapon skill of 10. Damage Modifiers: STR, CON

Strike of Breaking skill icon

Strike of Breaking

Base SkillLevel 1STR

Gain a tactical advantage by breaking your target's will, dealing damage and reducing their Armor Class by 4% for 30 seconds. Gain 2% armor per stack by utilizing this advantage. Stacks up to 5 times. Generates 1 Battle Point. Deals additional threat. Damage Modifiers: STR

Level 2

Taunt skill icon


Base SkillLevel 2

Taunt the target, forcing them to attack you for 3 seconds and generating increased Threat for that duration.

Level 4

Storm skill icon


Base SkillLevel 4

Charge at the target with furious speed, stunning them briefly. Cannot be used in combat. Generates 1 Battle Point.

Level 5

Expose skill icon


TechniqueLevel 5

Tank Technique. Puts your target in the [Exposed] state for 30 seconds. (Duration impacted by diminishing returns.) The [Exposed] state can be manipulated by other techniques to cause additional effects.

Trait Warrior5 skill icon

Trait Warrior5

PassiveLevel 5

Innate Passive. Increases Strength by 1.

Level 6

Shield Slam skill icon

Shield Slam

Base SkillLevel 6STR · CON

Slam the target with your shield, dealing minor damage, interrupting spell casting and Silencing the target for 6 seconds. Additional Modifiers: STR, CON

Level 8

Pound skill icon


Base SkillLevel 8STR · CON

Pound the enemy with your weapon, dealing heavy damage and causing Disempower on targets with less than 40% health, reducing their outgoing physical damage by 20% for 10 sec. Damage Modifiers: STR, CON

Shield Block skill icon

Shield Block

UtilityLevel 8

Raise your shield to block incoming physical damage for 2 sec, reducing the damage you receive.

Level 10

Rageful Shout skill icon

Rageful Shout

UtilityLevel 10

Unleash a rage-filled shout, refreshing the cooldown of your Taunt ability.

Shieldmans Banner 1 skill icon

Shieldmans Banner 1

UtilityLevel 10

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase your Block Chance and Block Rating.

Trait Warrior10 skill icon

Trait Warrior10

PassiveLevel 10

Innate Passive. Increases Stamina by 1.

Level 12

Challengers Banner 1 skill icon

Challengers Banner 1

UtilityLevel 12

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase the threat generated by your actions in combat.

Furious Howl skill icon

Furious Howl

UtilityLevel 12

Release a furious howl, increasing the physical damage of your group by 10% for 15 sec.

Level 14

Banner of Arms 1 skill icon

Banner of Arms 1

UtilityLevel 14

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase your group's hit rating, while enemies within 10m will have reduced dodge, block and parry rating.

Conquest Formation 1 skill icon

Conquest Formation 1

UtilityLevel 14

Command your group into an offensive formation, increasing each member's melee and casting speed by 25%, but reducing movement speed by 25% for the duration.

Unyielding Formation 1 skill icon

Unyielding Formation 1

UtilityLevel 14

Command your group into a tactical formation, granting immunity to loss of control effects, but reduces the amount of damage reduced by armor class by 20%.

Level 15

Trait Warrior15 skill icon

Trait Warrior15

PassiveLevel 15

Innate Passive. Increases Constitution by 1.

Level 16

Banner of Onslaught 1 skill icon

Banner of Onslaught 1

UtilityLevel 16

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase your group's physical damage, while enemies within 10m will have reduced physical damage.

Smash skill icon


Base SkillLevel 16STR · CON

Smash the enemy with your weapon, dealing damage and causing Torment on targets with more than 70% health, reducing their healing by 25% for 30 sec. Damage Modifiers: STR, CON

Level 18

Disarming Strike skill icon

Disarming Strike

TechniqueLevel 18STR · CON

Warrior Technique. Deals damage to your target and exploits [Opening Gap] state, causing the [Grappled] state. [Grappled] reduces an enemies outgoing damage by 8%. Requires primary skill of 55. Damage Modifiers: STR, CON

Rallying Banner 1 skill icon

Rallying Banner 1

UtilityLevel 18

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will reduce the duration of loss of control effects on your group, while increasing the duration of loss of control effects on enemies within 10m of the banner.

Level 20

Close the Gap skill icon

Close the Gap

Base SkillLevel 20STR · AGI

Leap to an enemy's location up to 15m away and strike with your weapon, dealing Physical damage and rooting the target. Generates 1 Battle Point. Only usable while in combat. Additional Modifiers: STR, AGI

Last Stand skill icon

Last Stand

UtilityLevel 20

Stand your ground, increasing your Parry Chance and incoming healing by 50% for 10 sec. Only usable when your Health is below 40%.

Shieldmans Banner 2 skill icon

Shieldmans Banner 2

UtilityLevel 20

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase your Block Chance and Block Rating.

Trait Warrior20 skill icon

Trait Warrior20

PassiveLevel 20

Innate Passive. Increases Strength by 1.

Level 22

Challengers Banner 2 skill icon

Challengers Banner 2

UtilityLevel 22

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase the threat generated by your actions in combat.

Level 24

Banner of Arms 2 skill icon

Banner of Arms 2

UtilityLevel 24

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase your group's hit rating, while enemies within 10m will have reduced dodge, block and parry rating.

Pulverize skill icon


Base SkillLevel 24STR · CON

Pulverize the enemy with your weapon. If the target is below 25% health, gain Confidence, reducing incoming physical damage by 20% for 10 sec. Damage Modifiers: STR, CON

Level 26

Banner of Onslaught 2 skill icon

Banner of Onslaught 2

UtilityLevel 26

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase your group's physical damage, while enemies within 10m will have reduced physical damage.

Level 28

Rallying Banner 2 skill icon

Rallying Banner 2

UtilityLevel 28

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will reduce the duration of loss of control effects on your group, while increasing the duration of loss of control effects on enemies within 10m of the banner.

Level 30

Shieldmans Banner 3 skill icon

Shieldmans Banner 3

UtilityLevel 30

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase your Block Chance and Block Rating.

Level 32

Challengers Banner 3 skill icon

Challengers Banner 3

UtilityLevel 32

Plant a banner of war near you for 45 sec. Remaining within 10m of the banner will increase the threat generated by your actions in combat.

Shatter skill icon


Base SkillLevel 32STR · CON

Shatter the enemy with your weapon, dealing damage and stunning targets with less than 20% health. Damage Modifiers: STR, CON

About Warrior Skills

The Warrior's arsenal includes various types of abilities: combat techniques for engaging enemies, utility skills for supporting allies, and passive abilities that provide constant benefits.

Once the mastery system unlocks, you'll unlock more powerful abilities, allowing you to customize yourWarrior's capabilities to suit your playstyle.

Warrior Class Progression Guide

A comprehensive guide to leveling your Warrior from 1 to max level. Learn about ability unlocks, combat techniques, and mastery choices.

Warrior Role in Group Content

Understand how the Warrior functions in group content, including their primary roles as Tank and Utility and their synergies with other classes.

Warrior Equipment Guide

Learn about optimal equipment choices for your Warrior, including Cloth and Leather and Chain and Plate and Shield armor and Edged, Blunt, Fist, Pierce, Bows weapons.