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Halnir Cave dungeon entrance in Avendyr's Pass

Halnir Cave

A treacherous celestium crystal dungeon with toxic hazards and hidden secrets. Challenge yourself against powerful factions and uncover ancient artifacts in this sprawling underground complex.


Boss Encounters

Blood Lich Sangshaa boss encounter
Level 26

Blood Lich Sangshaa

Harathena boss encounter
Level 21


Tyrasura the Banebound boss encounter
Level 20

Tyrasura the Banebound

Ashbarran the Banebound boss encounter
Level 22

Ashbarran the Banebound

Master Bushu boss encounter
Level 23

Master Bushu

Hssyr The Wretch boss encounter
Level 15

Hssyr The Wretch

Zthir the Foul boss encounter
Level 15

Zthir the Foul

The Crystal Heart boss encounter
Level 25

The Crystal Heart

The Crystal Mind boss encounter
Level 24

The Crystal Mind

The Crystal Will boss encounter
Level 26

The Crystal Will

Notable Trash Mobs

Frost Crypt Fiend enemy

Frost Crypt Fiend

Level 20-22
If they take ice damage, gets a stacking empowered buff.
Ice Spike - A frontal AoE cone ice skill, knocks party up, and bleeds.
Flash Freeze - Will stun the entire party
Single Target Nuke does not hit hard, but AOE does.
Fire Crypt Fiend enemy

Fire Crypt Fiend

Level 20-22
If they take fire damage, gets a stacking empowered buff.
Heavy damage with single target DD.
Combustion - Single Target, high damage.
Fire Cryptling enemy

Fire Cryptling

Level 20-23
If they take fire damage, gets a stacking empowered buff.
Heavy damage with single target DD.
Combustion - Single Target, high damage.
Frost Cryptling enemy

Frost Cryptling

Level 20-23
If they take ice damage, gets a stacking empowered buff.
Ice Spike - A frontal AoE cone ice skill, knocks party up, and bleeds.
Flash Freeze - Will stun the entire party
Single Target Nuke does not hit hard, but AOE does.
Ulthiran Mana Weaver enemy

Ulthiran Mana Weaver

Level 20
Etheral Blast - Single Target Damage
Unmoral Surge - AoE Damage Cast - Must Interrupt