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An Enchanted Quill
Level 15
Quest Chain

An Enchanted Quill

A crucial quest that unlocks the ability to purchase Acclimation Glyphs, which are essential for surviving in areas with different climates.

30 minutesStarts at: Thame Ashmane in Bridge Area to Thronefast, Avendyr's Pass


  • Speak with Thame Ashmane
  • Travel to Goblin Caves
  • Defeat Rockbone Geomancer to obtain Enchanted Quill
  • Return to Thame Ashmane with the Enchanted Quill


Quest Requirements

  • No level requirement
  • Available to all classes

Quest Location

Location Coordinates Notes
Goblin Caves Entrance 1: 3569, 3364
Entrance 2: 3758, 3217
Located in Thronefast

Quest Steps

  1. Starting the Quest
    • Speak to Thame Ashmane at the Bridge Area to Thronefast - 3258, 580, 2760
  2. Obtaining the Quill
    • Enter the Goblin Caves through either entrance
    • Locate and defeat a Rockbone Geomancer
    • Collect the Enchanted Quill (guaranteed drop with quest)
  3. Complete the Quest
    • Return to Thame Ashmane with the Enchanted Quill
    • Reward: 1000 XP, Access to purchase Acclimation Glyphs
Important: Acclimation Glyphs are essential items needed to survive in areas with different climate conditions. After completing this quest, you can purchase these glyphs from Thame Ashmane.


1,000 XP


Acclimation Glyphs

Acclimation Glyphs

No TradeQuest Item

Type: Quest Item