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The Gadai Investigation
Level 20
Quest Chain

The Gadai Investigation

A complex investigation into the Gadai bandits' activities and their mysterious suppliers, requiring completion of two separate questlines.

2-3 hoursStarts at: Cadet Tandus Gnolly in Avendyr's Pass


  • Complete the Valley Guard Series quests
  • Investigate the Gadai camps and gather intelligence
  • Intercept the Gadai messenger
  • Retrieve Joryn's Ledger
  • Investigate the mining camp
  • Defeat the Gadai leaders
  • Deliver token to the Artificer


Quest Requirements

  • Level 20+
  • Complete prerequisites: Valley Guard Series

Quest Steps

  1. Part 1: Valley Guard Series
    • Find Cadet Tandus Gnolly in Avendyr's Pass - 3126, 563, 2551 to pickup Test of Courage
    • Obtain 3 Gadai Insignia, hand in to Cadet Tandus Gnolly
    • Go to Captain Bolus - 3224, 581, 2813 in Avendyr's Pass to pickup Thinning the Ranks
    • Defeat 2 Gadai Picklox, 3 Thieves (group), 2 Brawlers (group) - South/Southwest of bridge from Thronefast to AVP
    • Speak to Captain Bolus to Deliver Justice to 4 Gadai Outlaws
  2. Part 2: The Investigation
    • Meet Lieutenant Lyran Hornbelle in Thronefast - 4567, 540, 3165 pickup The Roughs of Gadai
    • Defeat Gadai Bandits and bring back 5 Gadai Insignia to Lieutenant Lyran Hornbelle
    • Find Investigator Nalis - 3234, 580, 2785 in Avendyr's Pass to pickup A Deeper Investigation
    • Investigate both Gadai encampments, Loc 1 - 2930, 535, 2680 | Loc 2 - 3126, 568, 2207
    • Return to Investigator Nails and pickup Interception to intercept the messenger at night - 3138, 570, 2195
    • Return to Investigator Nails and pickup Further Evidence and Retrieve Joryn's Ledger near Tent - 2884, 534, 2683
  3. Part 3: The Mining Camp
    • Meet Pridemane Elvaran - 3468, 486, 3726 in Availia Town (Thronefast)
    • Verify mining camp status by climbing the rock at 4198, 2690
    • Return to Pridemane Elvaran and pick up Lieutenants of Greed and raid mining camp (Group required)
    • Return to Pridemane Elvaran and pick up Mysterious Suppliers to defeat the Dark Agent near Mad Run in AVP
    • Return to Pridemane Elvaran and pick up a Just Reward to deliver token to the Artificer
    • The Artificer is located in Availia (Thronefast) 3384, 481, 3739
    • Final Reward: Choice of Ring of the Investigator
Important: The final quest 'Lieutenants of Greed' requires a group and is recommended for level 21-25 characters. The messenger in the 'Interception' quest only spawns at night.


31s 0c


Ring of the Investigator

Ring of the Investigator

No TradeMagicUnique

Type: Ring

Weight: 0.1

+1 Intellect

+3 SpellCritRate

+15 Mana

Classes: Wizard, Enchanter, Summoner, Necromancer

Ring of the Investigator

Ring of the Investigator

No TradeMagicUnique

Type: Ring

Weight: 0.1

+3 Strength

+18 PhysicalCritRate

+18 DodgeRating

Classes: Monk, Rogue, Ranger, Bard