Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Patch Notes January 4, 2025
- Added the "Disable Sky" option to the Graphics tab of the Settings window for players with Nvidia 900 series cards experiencing black screen issues.
- Increased XP for mobs below your level.
- Added /rest as an alias for /sit.
- Adjusted the hunger and thirst UI elements to take up less space.
- Characters will now return to bind point if disconnected during world loading timeout.
- Warrior banners are no longer targetable in tab targeting.
- Increased corpse drag initiation range.
- Added "Disable Click to Clear Targets" option to the General tab of Settings.
- Additional supply crate spawns added to Thronefast.
- Treasure chest spawns adjusted for less predictability.
- Fixed Rabid Dusk Bats eligibility for "Night Warden Pt. 4" quest.
- Updated "Stop the Trapping" quest to include all Shady Outdoorsmen varieties.
- Adjusted "Chef's Attire" quest in Wild's End for proper completion with Kaia.
- Modified "A Secret Map" quest in Thronefast for correct NPC interactions.
- Fixed flying Wildwater Geckos issue.
- Relocated the Spider of Ill Omen near the Shaman starting area path.
- Corrected rogue trait vendor behavior.
- Updated Sefira's inventory in Demith village.
- Repositioned Wanderjim R'odel for safety.
- Added new carpenter to Demith village.
- Added Wizard and Shaman Traits to Demith village.
- Fixed elf NPC hair clipping issues.
- Adjusted Ghostly Riddler's appearance schedule.
- Updated stunned indicator.
- Improved various NPC combat animations including Maul, Backstab, Waylay, and others.
- Updated multiple class-specific abilities including Monk, Paladin, Rogue, and Wizard effects.
- Added Frog Skin drops from large frogs.
- Removed No Trade flag from Chitin Fragments.
- Increased Celestium Dusts potency.
- Fixed various weapon and armor equipping issues.
- Adjusted vendor purchase prices for crafted armor.
- Increased rat whisker drop rates.
- Added nylem beetle ichor drops.
- Fixed inaccessible gathering nodes in Avendyr's Pass.
- Added new gathering nodes in Wild's End.
- Normalized skill requirements across all crafting professions.
- Added new common-quality schematics at skill levels 30 and 60.
- Fixed multiple basis acceptance issues in various crafting recipes.
- Added numerous uncommon-quality schematics to level 20+ treasure chests.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed chat command visibility issues.
- Corrected nameplate chat bubble behavior.
- Fixed incorrect item tooltip text.
- Resolved multiple quest completion issues.
- Fixed combat buff application on evading mobs.
- Addressed mob evading state issues.