Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Patch Notes
Increased XP a bit for mobs below your level.
- Wildwater Geckos should no longer have inexplicable powers of flight.
- The Spider of Ill Omen has learned not to lurk directly on the path between the Shaman starting area and Availia in Thronefast. Instead, it now lurks nearby, the better to pounce upon foolish adventurers who stray from the safety of the path.
- Several of the rogue trait vendors have switched allegiances and should no longer feel compelled to attack rogues seeking their services.
- Sefira in Demith village has acquired an updated inventory. It's best not to ask her where it came from.
- Wanderjim R'odel has had second thoughts about his rock climbing activities and now can be found in a much safer position.
- A new carpenter has taken up residence in Demith village.
- Frog Skin (for use in Alchemy) may now occasionally be obtained after killing a large frog.
- Chitin Fragments are no longer improperly flagged as No Trade.
- The potency of the effects provided by Celestium Dusts of Health, Magic, Prowess, and the Tireless has been increased.
- The Blackened Wood Bo Staff should now properly receive its second attack.
- Vendor purchase prices for crafted armor have been adjusted.
Several gathering nodes in Avendyr's Pass that were previously inaccessible due to terrain changes have been adjusted to once again be accessible.
- Salvaging: The Worn Dagger may now be salvaged with the appropriate tool.
- Tailoring: When crafting an Adept's Gi, the basis should now be accepted as a valid component.