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Druid class portrait


The wild-eyed Druid embraces the natural world of Terminus and peers into its mysteries. With manifold fragments of other worlds and realms now on Terminus, Druids are revered as visionaries who can see beyond the fragmented terrain and into the heart of Terminus itself. As light-armored mystics, they draw out aspects of the natural world to imbue into other living things or project into their surroundings.

Primary Attributes



Armor types:Armor: Cloth, Leather

Weapon types:Weapons: Blunt

Class Guide

Guide coming soon...


Verdanfire Seed

Impart a mystical seed to an ally, absorbing incoming damage up to a certain limit. When this amount is reached, the seed will bloom and heal your ally for the amount of damage it absorbed. Afterwards, a portion of the effective healing the ally received will be refunded to you as Mana.

Wandering Stones

Ancient, iridescent stones hidden amid the groves and wilds of Terminus seething with Druidic magic. Druids can attune to these Wandering Stones and travel between them, harnessing their mysterious powers.

Hirode's Flame

Ask Hirode to heal an ally with a surge of Verdanfire, providing direct and powerful healing to a single target.

Druids utilize combat techniques that create powerful synergies with other classes. Each technique becomes available at specific weapon skill levels and can trigger different effects based on the weapon type used.

WS 22
Forced combat technique icon


Creates [Opening-State] on the Target.

Rogue class icon
🗡️Lucky Strike
Phys DefLevel requirement:16
Rogue class icon
⚔️Lucky Strike
Damage OutLevel requirement:16
Rogue class icon
🔨Lucky Strike
Magic DefLevel requirement:16
Rogue class icon
🗡️Trick Shot
Phys DefLevel requirement:58
Rogue class icon
⚔️Trick Shot
Phys AvoidLevel requirement:58
Rogue class icon
🔨Trick Shot
Magic DefLevel requirement:58
Ranger class icon
🗡️Bramble Sting
Phys DefLevel requirement:16
Ranger class icon
⚔️Bramble Sting
Phys AvoidLevel requirement:16
Ranger class icon
🔨Bramble Sting
SpeedLevel requirement:16
Ranger class icon
🗡️Grizzly Swipe
Damage OutLevel requirement:88
Ranger class icon
⚔️Grizzly Swipe
Heal ReductionLevel requirement:88
Ranger class icon
🔨Grizzly Swipe
Phys DefLevel requirement:88
Monk class icon
Spear Hand Strike
SpeedLevel requirement:16
Monk class icon
🔨Spear Hand Strike
Magic DefLevel requirement:16
Monk class icon
Scorpion Kick
Damage OutLevel requirement:46
Monk class icon
🔨Scorpion Kick
Phys DefLevel requirement:46
Enchanter class icon
Thwart Power
Damage OutLevel requirement:34
Necromancer class icon
Power Sap
Damage OutLevel requirement:34

Level 1

Verdanfire Bolt skill icon

Verdanfire Bolt

Base SkillLevel 1

Deals direct Fire and Nature damage.

Verdanfire Briars skill icon

Verdanfire Briars

Base SkillLevel 1

Grants your group a damage shield. (24 Mana)

Imbue Trait Ashen Regeneration skill icon

Imbue Trait Ashen Regeneration

Base SkillLevel 1

Increases your target's HP regen and the healing they receive by 15%. (9 Mana)

Imbue Trait Vale Hawks Grace skill icon

Imbue Trait Vale Hawks Grace

Base SkillLevel 1

Increases your target's jump height and allows them to glide while falling.

Harness Trait skill icon

Harness Trait

PassiveLevel 1

Allows the Druid to learn Imbue Traits.

Masaes Gift Hirode the White Fox skill icon

Masaes Gift Hirode the White Fox

PassiveLevel 1

Allows the Druid to call upon Hirode.

Wild Eyed Wanderer skill icon

Wild Eyed Wanderer

PassiveLevel 1

Makes most animals neutral to the Druid until provoked.

Level 2

Imbue Trait Great Bears Resilience skill icon

Imbue Trait Great Bears Resilience

Base SkillLevel 2

Increases your target's STA, AC and makes them more stun resistant effects. (10 Mana)

Level 3

Call Lightning skill icon

Call Lightning

Base SkillLevel 3

Deals direct Shock damage proportionate to your level. (20 Mana) [Drenched: Guaranteed Critical Hit, Stormy Weather: +100% damage

Level 4

Verdanfire Dart skill icon

Verdanfire Dart

Base SkillLevel 4

Deals direct Fire and Nature damage.

Level 5

Angry Hornets skill icon

Angry Hornets

Base SkillLevel 5

Deals Nature damage over time. (24 Mana)

Reverberation skill icon


PassiveLevel 5

Whenever a group member being healed by the Druid is healed by another member of the Druid's group, that healing effect jumps to another group member.

Level 6

Verdanfire Seed skill icon

Verdanfire Seed

Base SkillLevel 6

Absorbs damage to a limit, then heals for the damage absorbed. Refunds a portion of the effective healing as Mana. (20 Mana)

Level 7

Wardens Wildfire skill icon

Wardens Wildfire

Base SkillLevel 7

Heals allies or damages enemies within an expanding area of effect centered on the Druid. (25 Mana)

Level 8

Hirodes Chrysalis skill icon

Hirodes Chrysalis

UtilityLevel 8

Prevents the target from dying, makes them temporarily immune to damage, and restores a percentage of their max HP and mana. (34 Mana)

Level 9

Hirodes Flame skill icon

Hirodes Flame

Base SkillLevel 9

Directly heals your target. (10 Mana)

Level 10

Hirodes Focus skill icon

Hirodes Focus

UtilityLevel 10

Hirode amplifies some of your abilities in different ways. (10 Mana)

Storm Keeper skill icon

Storm Keeper

PassiveLevel 10

Maintain the bonuses from Storm Warden at all times, even indoors.

Level 11

Verdanfire Thistles skill icon

Verdanfire Thistles

Base SkillLevel 11

Grants a protective damage shield.

Level 12

Verdanfire Vines skill icon

Verdanfire Vines

Base SkillLevel 12

Grants your group a damage shield which reflects a % of physical or magical damage done to them back at their attacker.

Level 13

Imbue Trait Lynxs Claw skill icon

Imbue Trait Lynxs Claw

Base SkillLevel 13

Increases your target's STR and dodge chance.

Level 14

Nature Shroud skill icon

Nature Shroud

UtilityLevel 14

You become Invisible. (30 Mana)

Level 15

Greatvine Snag skill icon

Greatvine Snag

Base SkillLevel 15

Root your target and deal Nature damage over time. Root is not broken by damage. (20 Mana)

Storm Warden skill icon

Storm Warden

PassiveLevel 15

You gain bonuses to healing and damage done while in Stormy weather.

Level 16

Verdanfire Arrow skill icon

Verdanfire Arrow

Base SkillLevel 16

Deals direct Fire and Nature damage.

Level 17

Vinewoven Grove skill icon

Vinewoven Grove

UtilityLevel 17

Create a physical barrier around yourself, healing for a percentage of your max HP while the barrier is intact. The grove can be destroyed. Any movement will end the effect.

Level 18

Creepers Grip skill icon

Creepers Grip

Base SkillLevel 18

Applies a reverse damage shield to the target, healing the Druid or their allies when they damage the enemy.

Level 19

Hirodes Gaze skill icon

Hirodes Gaze

UtilityLevel 19

Lowers Fire and Nature resistance. Makes the target more vulnerable to the Druid's attacks.

Level 20

Hirodes Presence skill icon

Hirodes Presence

UtilityLevel 20

When your target receives healing, heal them again for a percentage of the amount. Additionally, amplify the healing received by the target.

Wandering Stones skill icon

Wandering Stones

PassiveLevel 20

Allows the Druid to teleport to Wandering Stones.

Level 21

Hirodes Rescue skill icon

Hirodes Rescue

UtilityLevel 21

Brings your target to the center of your active Verdanfire Tree. Roots enemies in an AoE of the target's original position.

Level 22

Hirodes Shelter skill icon

Hirodes Shelter

UtilityLevel 22

All healing your target receives is increased by 25% and they generate 50% less hate. (10 Mana)

Level 23

Firefly skill icon


UtilityLevel 23

Creates a light source that follows the Druid.

Level 24

Gust of Leaves skill icon

Gust of Leaves

Base SkillLevel 24

Interrupts your target's casting.

Level 25

Upheaval skill icon


UtilityLevel 25

Pushes all enemies near the Druid away.

Vinewoven Bridge skill icon

Vinewoven Bridge

UtilityLevel 25

Creates a bridge which players can cross.

About Druid Skills

The Druid's arsenal includes various types of abilities: combat techniques for engaging enemies, utility skills for supporting allies, and passive abilities that provide constant benefits.

Once the mastery system unlocks, you'll unlock more powerful abilities, allowing you to customize yourDruid's capabilities to suit your playstyle.

Druid Class Progression Guide

A comprehensive guide to leveling your Druid from 1 to max level. Learn about ability unlocks, combat techniques, and mastery choices.

Druid Role in Group Content

Understand how the Druid functions in group content, including their primary roles as Healer and Utility and their synergies with other classes.

Druid Equipment Guide

Learn about optimal equipment choices for your Druid, including Cloth and Leather armor and Blunt weapons.